Choose the Correct Option.
1. What is the full form of the RAM?
The full form of RAM is "Random Access Memory".
2. What is the full form of the "COMPUTER"?
The full form of Computer is "Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used In Trade Education and Research".
3. It is the more important characteristics of Computer ?
Speed and Accuracy
4. It works on the principle of ............. ?
5. The full form of IPO is ............ ?
I=Input, P=Process, O=Output.
6. Hardware is categories of ..........types ?
7. Motherboard is made of .......... ?
Fyber Glass
8. The full form of BIOS is .............. ?
The full form of BIOS is Basic Input Output System
9. Which is the called the heart of CPU ?
ALU and CU are the heart of the CPU.
10. Which is not a disadvantage of Computer ?
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